for 4 people
Small whole squid 4
SPurple Sanremo prawns 4
SLangoustines 4
SEledones 4
SLarge black cuttlefish 1
SMussels 100g
SRazor clams 100g
SVenus clams 100g
SWhite clams 100g
SOctopus 500g
CRed cabbage 200g
Water 500ml
Salt, to taste
Pink grapefruits 2 Water 75ml Sugar 35g
Beetroot mayonnaise, to taste
Parsley 50g
Extra virgin olive oil 30ml
Boiled potato 20g
Vegetable stock 50ml
Garlic 1 clove
Salt, to taste
Pepper, to taste
For the crush, add the water and sugar to a small pan and bring to the boil. Leave it to cool in the fridge. Squeeze the grapefruits, filter and mix with the syrup. Place it in a container and set in the freezer. Grate the crush with a fork and leave it in the freezer until it is time to serve. Finely chop the cabbage, place it in a pan with the water and two pinches of salt, bring it to the boil and continue to cook it for 15 minutes. Remove the cabbage from the water and put them both in the fridge. Clean all the molluscs. Place the seafood in water and salt. In a pan, open the seafood in order of size: first put in the Venus clams, after a minute add the mussels, then add the razor clams and white clams. Add a ladle of water and place a lid on the pan and cook until they are all open. Shell the seafood and place them in the fridge. In a casserole dish, bring lightly salted water to the boil. Submerge the octopus and cook for 45 minutes. Take it off the heat and leave it in its water for another 15 minutes. In another casserole dish with lightly salted boiling water, cook the cuttlefish for 4 minutes, the squid for 3 minutes, the eledones for 2 minutes and the shelled prawns and langoustines for 2 minutes. Once cooked, cut the squid, cuttlefish and octopus. Mix them together and add salt, pepper and extra virgin olive oil. Add salt to the cabbage water and add extra virgin olive oil and salt to the previously boiled cabbage. For the parsley sauce: Blanch the parsley in lightly salted water, drain it and cool it down in iced water, then dry it. Cut the garlic clove in half, remove the core and sauté it in oil. Remove the garlic, add the parsley, salt and pepper and cook for two minutes. Remove from the heat and add contents with the potato and vegetable stock to a blender. Sift and leave to cool. It can also be frozen in small containers or vacuum pack bags.
Take a bowl and add the cabbage water. Add the cabbage and the seafood salad. Dress with a little parsley sauce and beetroot mayonnaise. At the end add the grapefruit crush, which upon contact with the cabbage water will modify its pH and will make its colour change to fuchsia.